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We should pay more attention to adolescents and take more measures to protect them from such tragedies and difficul ������� - ����� � ������������ ������� ������� ���������: �������� �������:�������� � ��������������� ��� ������: ������� ���� �����: 09. 2004 ����: ���������� ������: 4,8 K �������: 6510 ������� ���������� ������: Abortion and Teenage Pregnancy. This essay is aimed at discussing term paper \" How ����� ������ ������ porno Abortion Relates To Teenage Pregnancy\" and providing personal opinion on the main issues.

First of all, I am going to discuss teenage abortion and my attitude towards it. Further, I\'ll consider negative behaviour and inappropriate emotions of the pregnant teenager, and at last I\'ll pay attention to such matters, as adoption and keeping the body. Conclusion will summarise all above mentioned issues. It stands to reason that teenage pregnancy has always been an important matter for many generations, but nowadays society is porno ������ ������ ����� divided into two groups: those who ������ ����� porno ������ claim for abortion and those who speak against it. Each group uses its own reasons, in the first case - economical, in the second - moral. The article ����� ������ ������ porno \" How Abortion Relates To Teenage Pregnancy \" is just aimed at discussing these reasons.

According to it, the main reason of teenage abortion is inability to face the society\'s attitude towards teen mothers.

In my opinion, it is true to some extent, but, of course, there are other important factors that influence such decision. For instance, financial insecurity may cause fear of becoming parents. But, whatever the reasons, millions of teenage girls all over the world make abortion, and in the United States, according to the article, over 200,000 girls out of one million turn to abortion.

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